Embarrassing Movie Posters #14
Note the very promising tagline: “Breeds with anything…” I’m sensing a vague erotic component there, don’t you? Perhaps there’s some truth to what they say about men with big feet…
Note the very promising tagline: “Breeds with anything…” I’m sensing a vague erotic component there, don’t you? Perhaps there’s some truth to what they say about men with big feet…
Director of films, documentaries, commercials, drama, video essays and online content. Writer, musician and cartoonist when he feels like it. Director's Cut editor of Brian De Palma's Raising Cain.
Those are actual quotes from publications. Sad. “Whore themselves to anything.”
I saw this movie and still bear the scars, decades later.
As for the quotes, I think this goes beyond lies, through sarcasm and on to something far more frightening and deadly.
What is that saying? Men with big feet have big . . . shoes? Hands? (I stole this, I think, from some movie, but I can’t remember which one)
It’s got a man in an obvious rubber suit, people doing stupid things on motorbikes, and John Carradine. It’s scored a horrible movie trifecta!
some disturbing racial undertones here.
breeds with anything… watchout soldier man between big foot’s legs
Maybe he’s shaking the man off the motorbike so he can breed with it.
But where are its genitals??? If they’re being hidden by the soldier, then he’s malformed. How can it breed with anything without genitals? If you can say, “Breeds with anything,” on a movie poster, you can show genitals, right? Right?